
Southdale Pediatrics

Furnishing a pediatric clinic is no easy feat, but with the right priorities in mind, the project team created a space to meet the needs of both patients and staff.

Southdale Pediatrics location with healthcare, clinical and patient furnishings

The Southdale Pediatrics clinic aimed to update its aesthetic, expand patient rooms and labs, and provide ergonomic seating and adjustable tables for all staff members.

The project had several focus areas, including a large welcoming lobby space, increased patient exam rooms, and dedicated back-of-house spaces for all staff members. To create a cohesive layout within these areas, furniture and finishes were intentionally selected to complement the clinic's vibrant aquatic theme.

One of the primary goals was to create a state-of-the-art facility that would increase the capabilities of the clinic. We accomplished this by using all Herman Miller Healthcare modular products and heavy-duty Chemsurf surfaces to create a large state-of-the-art lab. Convenient power unit modules were installed at each height-adjustable table to ensure staff members had access to the power they needed to work efficiently.

We collaborated closely with BDH and the Southdale Pediatrics project team to select the best manufacturers for the job. Herman Miller provided all workstations, while Wieland Seating, Krug, Carolina, OFS, Office Master, and Enwork provided other essential components of the clinic.

The built environment we helped create is a coherent solution that integrates seamlessly with the medical field. It's a pediatric clinic that fosters the opportunity for growth by using products, capabilities, and processes that will help deliver the future of healthcare for patients and healthcare providers. Our team is proud to have assisted in creating a state-of-the-art facility that will help Southdale Pediatrics serve its patients and staff for years to come.